What is Fair Use Policy(FUP) that you mentioned in the rate or fee table?
Our services are offered at very reasonable fees and the clients are expected to work with Web Nauka on an understanding of fair usage policy, meaning the clients are expected to not place unreasonable demands to edit the content on their website frequently or excessively whereby it prevents Web Nauka from giving time to other clients such as yourself, who need website content maintenance. What constitutes reasonable use of our services could be discussed and mutually agreed upon before starting the work on your website. In case the nature of your business or website content requires very frequent changes leading to more attention and time, this could be discussed separately as we may have to look at customized pricing and resource(people) allocation to service your website.
Why are your fees in INR for countries other than India?
Overseas clients take advantage of exchange rate appreciation of USD as price quoted is in INR. When the USD appreciates in value (which has been the case for the past several decades), you’d pay lesser than earlier fees.
Would you take responsibility of the security of my website? What if my website is hacked or misused by cyber criminals?
Our services are limited to building and maintaining content on the website. We depend on the hosting platform providers’ infrastructure for security etc. Beyond this, we use free SSL certificate providers that are reasonably dependable, also this saves money for the clients who needn’t buy SSL certificates at higher price.
How do your create content and ensure that the content quality in terms of language and messaging is reasonably good?
Content must be provided by client. Proof reading and edits shall be done by Web Nauka if required to keep the content crisp and meaningful. Web Nauka advises clients on what is good content and the clients could decide on what works best for them as we are very keen on clients’ needs and requirements.
Our website is professionally designed by web designers using DHTML, Java, Bootstrap and other proprietary tools that we have access to. Do you maintain such a website?
We keep advise our clients to keep the website simple on easy to use platforms such as Zoho, Wordpress or certain other platforms, simply for the fact that it will be easy to administer and edit content within the websites. Web Nauka shall discuss with clients on case to case basis before getting the clients on board for website design or website maintenance services that we offer.
Can I pay for website AMC or annual content maintenance on monthly basis instead of paying upfront for the whole year?
All payments shall be done by the client in advance before Web Nauka starts the work. We have this policy because of extremely reasonable fees that are rarely charged in the web design world, be it in India or other parts of the world.
Who can avail our services?
Business sectors or industry that we service are across all industries
Some of the entities that our services would be suitable to are Small and Medium businesses or enterprises, Schools, Non Governmental Organizations(NGOs), Personal websites for creative personalities, Corporate entities,